Ice cream sodas are a delicious summertime treat that is very easy to make. Also known as an ice cream float, an ice cream soda is made by combining ice cream with soda or carbonated water and flavored syrup.

While many people consider root beer and vanilla ice cream to be the classic ingredients for an ice cream soda, there are many possible variations for you to try. For example, you can make a “Brown Cow” by mixing Coca-Cola, chocolate syrup, and vanilla ice cream. Make a “Canary Island Special” by combining chocolate ice cream, vanilla syrup, and seltzer.

When making an ice cream soda, don’t be afraid to get creative with your drink concoction. Whipped cream and cherries are very popular add-ons to ice cream sodas. Coffee lovers often add a hint of instant coffee to their ice cream floats. Chocolate sprinkles may also be a good choice.

Although the recipe for an ice cream soda is quite simple, there is a trick to creating the perfect drink. Plain soda foams because it releases carbon dioxide gas, but ice cream is actually a foamy mixture of liquid, ice crystals, and air pockets. Therefore, if you want to make an ice cream soda with a lot of foam, put the ice cream in the glass before pouring the soda. If you want to make a treat with a minimal amount of foam, add the ice cream after the soda has been poured.

While ice cream sodas are certainly delicious, they’re not particularly healthy. If you’re worried about excess calories, try using diet soda in your favorite ice cream float recipe. You can also try making a low-fat drink by combining your favorite flavor of sherbet with sparkling soda water.

As you’re enjoying your ice cream soda, take time to reflect upon the history of your treat. Legend has it that the ice cream soda was invented in Denver in 1871 by Otto Baur. His frothy concoction became an immediate favorite among children and teens, although many adults failed to see the drink’s appeal. Soon, there were soda fountains and ice cream parlors scattered throughout the United States.
You may have heard this term be used in regard to milk.

Pasteurization is a very important step used the process of making milk beneficial to its drinkers. This part of the process is used to kill any harmful things within the milk, the harmful microorganisms are destroyed by heating the milk. When the milk reaches a certain temperature it is then cooled for storage and shipped. Milk that is pasteurized may be healthier but that does not mean it does not have a perishable date, however it’s used by date is increased because of such things as pasteurization. 

Also as time has passed a new process has been created. This process is called ‘Ultrapasteurization’ or ‘ultra high temp treatment’ – this heats the milk to a higher temperature than normal pasteurization but for a shorter time. This means the process of pasteurization is quicker, and production will be more efficient and effective.

Milk had been used for human nutrition since the dawn of time. It was said to be used as Food during the Secondary Products Revolution during 5000 BC.

Animals were not just used for meat, but dairy products from these cattle were utilized and the animals were domesticated. The dairy products were said to have turned ‘uncultivated grasslands’ in to sustenance. People were gaining both value and health from the cow, whilst also prolonging the animals life.

Also not only cows produce milk, but a wide range of animals do.

Here is a list of the known animals that produce milk:
  • Camel
  • Donkey
  • Goat
  • Horse
  • Reindeer
  • Sheep
  • Water buffalo
  • Yak
  • And even in Russia and Sweden, some Moose dairy products exist. 

What are the differences?

Anonymous, a Men's Health Staff and Full Member of http://www.menshealth.com.ph states that:

‘The main reason milk is a good after-workout (or before if you like milk-burp like a baby  ) drink is that it is 80% whey and 20% casein. So you get good amounts of fast and slow proteins to replenish your body.

People who train and those watching their waists prefer low fat because it cuts calories. Skim also lowers cholesterol (better than whole, but whole still lowers triglycerides).

But (and here's one of those controversial issues again, so read and take from it what you will): Researchers in Texas found that drinking whole milk after lifting weights boosts muscle protein synthesis 2.8 times more than skim milk. So if you're thin and bulking up, brave the farts and drink whole milk after lifting.’

Very interesting stuff – What do you think?

To view the entire thread go to


Here are some more fun facts about cows and milk to keep you entertained and loving Moo Milk!

- One cow can make around 90 glasses of milk each day.
- In a cow's life time they can make around 200,000 glasses of milk in their life-time.
- No other drink in the world contains the nutrients of milk, and that’s just one more reason as to why it is so important and special.
- Kids need milk when they are young as it provides them with important nutrients needed in order to grow.

- When children are developing it is also important for them to have milk as their skeletal system is developing and replace bone mass around every two years – this is of course until they reach maturity.
- Milk was first delivered in plastic bottles in 1964, before this it was delivered in glass bottles.

- Without the protein content contained within milk, milk would not nearly be as frothy.
- In 1894 milking machines were created, but up to that date farmers would milk cows by hand and would get through an average of six cows every sixty minutes. Now with new technology farmers can milk up to 100 cows per sixty minutes.
- Milk began to be delivered to homes in 1942.

Moo Milk is not only just the coolest drink on and off the playground, Moo Milk is healthy and delicious. You’ll be the envy of everyone at lunch, on the playground, at the park, even at the gym when you’re drinking Moo Milk!

Moo Milk is fun for the whole family!

Enjoy some fun facts about cows and milk:
- All cows are female, any cattle that is male is referred to as a Bull.
- 90% of the world's milk supply is from dairy cows like Mooky.
- With regard to cheese, it takes 10 pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese, and 21 pounds of milk to make a pound of butter. And 12 pounds of milk to make a one gallon of ice cream.
- In the United States of America, milk costs more than gasoline in a lot of areas.
- Despite the texture of milk (creamy), it contains nearly 80-95% of water. The volume of the milk comes from proteins, carbohydrates, nutritious vitamins and natural fat.
- When milking a cow, it will take nearly 345 squirts from an udder to produce one whole gallon of milk.
- A cow's udder will hold around 25 to 50 pounds of pure milk.
